Zona/Rruga : Rr. Ibrahim Rugova ( Blloku)

Shitet Biznesi se bashku ambjent 180 m2 .
Adresa: Ne bllok ne nje zon teper te favorshme, me hipotek, kati i dyt banim aktualisht ne gjendje pune....!
:::: Historiku i shkurter i biznesit....!
Body Line Center eshte nje Qender e Autorizuar nga Bollani Group srl, Desenzano, Itali, ne fushen e estetikes, me te drejta ekskluzive per Shqiperine, Maqedonine, Kosoven.
E krijuar ne vitin 1997, ka nje klientele te qendrueshme, veç klienteles ne levizje. Vete vendodhja e biznesit e jep mundesine per nje klientele te zgjedhur.
Perdor produktet e Bollani Group, srl me emrin SUNRISE.
Ambienti i punes eshte pershtatur per te gjitha llojet e trajtimeve estetike te dobsimit, te fytyres, te komplet trupit.
Ka te instaluar sistemin 3 fazor per aparaturat qe perdoren.
Jane 8 dhoma sherbimi.
Uje, energji, internet 24 ore. Adresa....!
Shitje totale: biznes (klientela, ekskluziviteti nga Bollani Group, Desenzano, Itali, aparaturat) + ambienti 180 m2
Cmimi 600.000 euro
Shitje biznesi komplet (si me siper) per 150.000 euro
marrja e ambientit me qera mujore 2500 euro, me te drejte blerjeje pas nje viti, dhe zbritja e qerase se nje viti.
shitja vetem e ambientit 420.000 euro.....!!!! e diskutueshme me certifikat te rregullt pronesie...
Sell ​​and Rent..Tirana block the area, in a more favorable to the second floor residential land register actually working ....!
Sell ​​BUSINESSES space 180m. short business history ....!
Body Line Center is a center authorized by Bollani Group srl, Desenzano, Italy, in the field of aesthetics, with exclusive rights for Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo.
Created in 1997, has a stable clientele, clientele already in motion. Separately business location gives the opportunity for a select clientele.
Use products Bollani Group, srl named SUNRISE.
Work environment is suited for all types of dobsimit aesthetic treatments, face, body kit.
It has installed 3-phase system for the devices used.
There are 8 service rooms.
Water, electricity, internet 24 hours. Address ....!
Total sales: business (clients, exclusive of Bollani Group, Desenzano, Italy, equipment) + 180 m2 environment
Price 600,000 euros
Complete business sales (see above) for 150,000 euros
receiving environment with 2,500 monthly rent, with the right to purchase after a year, and the deduction of lease than a year.
selling only 440,000 euros environment

Tel: 0665305089
