International Conference on Labor Migration and
Industrial Citizenship

Albanians on the move - Citizenship, identity and development

University of New York Tirana
Tirana, 13th and 14th November, 2015

Call for papers

There exist a growing body of literature, academic and policy interest on migrant status, conditions and involvement in the labor markets of the host societies. The labor market and its institutions provide one of the most visible political arenas, in which the position of the migrant is being negotiated, defined and governed. It has long been noted that recent and temporary immigrants ‘self-exploit’ or allow themselves to be employed under conditions which native workers would not accept (Piori 1979), and migrants from Albania and Kosovo have been no exception to this. Nonetheless, as time goes on and integration proceeds immigrants begin to demand the same security and protection as natives. There is little research on the status, attitudes and strategies Albanian migrants from Albania and Kosovo employ to integrate and succeed in the labour market in diverse EU countries. During the past few years, labor mobility from Albania and Kosovo toward EU countries has intensified while new trends of return and circular migration have emerged. Notions of identity, belonging, integration and (several forms of) citizenship are challenged by the new forms of mobility. How do these impact the development of industrial citizenship among migrants from Albania and Kosovo?

This conference aims to contribute to this ongoing debate and proposes to draw together studies that engage with the current transformation of the politics of labor migration, the meaning of ‘migrant(s)’ and their changing positionality into the labor market in the host society. It intends to explore the formation of industrial citizenship for Albanian labor migrants (both from Albania and from Kosovo) in the time of austerity. It gives more nuances to the woes of (often) unprotected migrants and focuses on the strategies and attitudes Albanian labour migrants in several EU countries, such as Italy, Greece, Switzerland and Germany, employ in the search for economic security. The conference further discusses:

Labor migration flows (permanent, temporary, circular and return) at different levels; for example how migrant workers negotiate and express their industrial citizenship, (e.g., in implicit and explicit, actions, attitudes or behaviours)?
How the global economic crisis has affected migrants in EU labour markets?
What are the migrant strategies of adaption?
What the union strategies to organize and represent migrants are?
How migrants respond to competitive labor market norms?
How the normative dimension affects the incorporation of migrants in the host country society and labor market?
What are the measures and policies governments take to foster migrant issues, etc. ?

This conference is organized as a joint collaboration between University of New York Tirana (Albania), University of Prishtina (Kosovo) and the University of Jyväskylä (Finland), in the framework of the project “Industrial Citizenship and Migration from Western Balkans: Case studies from Albania and Kosovo migration towards Greece,

Germany and Switzerland”. This project is supported by Regional Research Promotion Programe .

The Conference will hold specialized paper presentation panels. The conference will attract scholars of migration with different disciplinary backgrounds. The aims of the call is to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, policy-makers, students, and practitioners and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of migration. We plan to combine empirical and theoretical work to answer these questions, but slightly favour papers with an empirical approach in
disciplines where such research is done.

Topics of interest include:

1. Labor migration and industrial citizenship
2. Labor market segmentation - Precarious and flexible work
3. Negotiate the boundaries of legitimacy/illegitimacy
4. Union strategies to organize and represent migrants
5. Agency of migrant workers - Between integration and stigmatization
6. Return Migration and reintegration strategies
7. Citizenship, identity and migration
8. Diasporas, social and financial remittances
9. Feminization of labor migration
10. Gender, family and migration

Keynote speakers:

Nathan Lillie, Professor of Social Policy, Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Dr. Lillie directed the European Research Consortium funded project “Transnational Work and Evolution of Sovereignty” on the regulation of posted work in the European Union, and is currently directing the Academy of Finland funded project “Industrial Citizenship and Labour Mobility in the EU: a Migrant Centered Study of Estonia-Finland and Albania-Italy Labour Mobility.” His main area of research is labour migration and industrial relations.

Russell King, Professor of Geography (Geography, Sussex Centre for Migration Research), University of Sussex. Visiting Professor of Migration Studies (and former Willy Brandt Guest Professor), Malmö University, Sweden. Russell's research interests are focused on the study of migration, which he has been researching now for 35 years. At Sussex he was Dean of the School of European Studies (1998-2001), Head of the Geography Department (2004-07) and Director of the Sussex Centre for Migration Research (1998-2011). His main areas of research and teaching are the aging care and migration, Albanian, Italian migration, children and migration, cultural geography, generations, geographies of socialist and post socialist development, higher education international student migration/mobility, Southern Europe.

Dr.A.(Ajay)Bailey, Assistant Professor in Population Studies, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen, Netherlands. Dr. Bailey works as Researcher and Training Co-coordinator at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen. His research interests include migration, demography, anthropology and health policy & services. He has been Principal Investigator in several Research Projects such as: “The Migrant Suitcase: examining the flow of norms, practices, identities and social capital between India and the Netherlands”; “Ageing and Well-being in a Globalising World”; “Care from India: exploring Indian nurse migration and reception in Northern Netherlands”.

Dr.Marc Hill , was born in Germany. He received a MPhil in Education at the University of Cologne and holds a PhD in Education from the University of Klagenfurt. He works as an Assistant Professor at the University of Innsbruck. He is a member of the “German Educational Research Association“(GERA) and of the new Center “Migration and Globalization“, located at the University of Innsbruck. His main research interests are (post)migration, diversity and education. He took part as qualitative ethnographic researcher in Austria, in the projects: “Diversity on a second view. International Resources of Carinthia“(2011, Privatstiftung Kärntner Sparkasse) and “Biographies of young people from migrant families in marginalized urban areas“(2012-2014, Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank, number of the project: 14724). His next book is called
“Nach der Paralllegesellschaft. Neue Perspektiven auf Stadt und Migration“, transcript: Bielefeld (01/2016),

Paper Submission guidelines
The official language of the conference is English. If you wish to present a paper at the Conference please submit an abstract in English language (no more than 300 words) and a short bio one paragraph to Please subject the heading “ICM_Name_Surname” and attach abstracts. Use APA style; please see abstract and full paper guidelines. All abstracts will be evaluated by members of scientific committee. The conference does not offer any financial assistance and participants must cover their own expenses for travelling and accommodation. Participation in the conference is free of charge, as the conference is supported financially both by RRPP and University of New York Tirana.

Important Dates
05.10.2015 Submission deadline for all abstracts
05.11.2015 Full paper deliverance
25.10.2015 Notification of selection for abstracts
01.11.2015 Deadline for registration
13.11.2015 Opening of the Conference

Proceeding and Publication in Journal
All accepted and registered abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings with ISBN. A selection of best papers from the conference will be considered for publication in a special issue or edited volume in an international journal of migration studies.

Transport Venue, Travel & accommodation information
The conference takes place at the campus of University of New York Tirana. The campus is located at Kodra e Diellit, Tirana, Albania. Tel + 355 4 4512345. Information on how to reach the UNYT can be found here. A mini bus that goes from Wisdom University at Komuna e Parisit (UNYT old campus) to UNYT campus will be provided free of charge for conference participants.

Coming in Tirana:
By plane: Tirana International Airport Nene Tereza
By public transport: Rinas Express operates 12 hours (6 am to 6 pm) as an hourly bus service between the Airport and the National Museum in the centre of Tirana. The single fare is 250 Albanian Leke.
By Taxi: Contact: Phone: +355 4 2222 122. Mobile: +355 66 20 80191, +355 66 20 08873. Tirana Airport taxi service is provided by . The journey from Tirana to the airport takes 20–25 minutes, depending on traffic, and costs about 2,500 Leke (18 EUR) one way.
City Map: You can use the city map of Tirana for more detailed route information within the city.
Explore Tirana–Search for restaurants, shops, monuments, museums, views. etc. See Tirana in Your Pocket

Accommodation in Tirana
For other accommodation opportunities in Tirana and/or booking, please click to see the extended list of Hotels in Tirana.

Contact us
You may contact conference coordinators at or
for any questions about the conference or paper submissions. Mobile :+355 67 4147534

Information on the ICM Project
For more information on the project “Industrial Citizenship and Migration from Western Balkans. Case studies from Albania and Kosovo migration towards Greece, Germany and Switzerland” please visit our website and RRPP website

Cel. : 0674147534
