Zona/Rruga : mbrapa kompleksit Florida

Apartment for rent, 50 euros per night, furnished in a modern way, on the 2nd floor with sea view and a big veranda . The apartment has a living room, one bedroom , one bathroom and suitable for 7 persons ..air conditioner and parking lot . A good area for vacaations, behind the Florida Resort in the city of Durres, Albania.

Tel. : 0676027707

Cel. : 0695721105

Jepet shtepi me qera 50 euro nata, e pajisur me mobilje bashkekohore kati i 2 banim, perballe detit me verande te madhe. Sallon, dhome gjumi, banje, e pershtatshme per 7 petsona, me kondicioner dhe uje 24 ore, dhe me mundesi parkimi.
Zone e preferuar per pushime, mbrapa kompleksit Florida.

Cel. : 0695721105
