We are looking for talented students at their 3rd or 4th year of University Studies, highly motivated in becoming part of our internal projects. Our team will support you to obtain the right experience for your brilliant future in Information Technology.

Professional activities and experience to be obtained during the internship:

1 Google App Developer:
a Python Programming
b Django Framework
c Google Products such as Google App Engine, Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage etc.

2 Mobile Application/Game Developer:
a Python Programming / JAVA Programming / Objective C Programming
b Kivy Framework / Android App SDK / Apple App SDK
c Graphical Design Experience

Attitudinal Requirements:

1 Creative
2 Team spirit
3 Highly self motivated
4 Hard working
5 Outgoing and social

Professional Prerequisites:

1 Good programming skills in:
b C/C++/Objective C
c Web Programming (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP/ASP)
d Shell Scripting
f Photoshop etc.

2 Good theoretical knowledge in:
a Operating Systems
b Network programming
c Distributed System Programming
d Database
e Mobile Application Development

3 No previous working experience required

Duration: 2-3 months part time (4-6 hours/working days)

Offer Valid: 28/2/2015