Zona/Rruga : Rr. Aleksander Mojsiu, prane Kinostudios.

Tirane, Japim me Qera Dyqan ne Rr. Aleksander Mojsiu, prane Kinostudios. Dyqan me siperfaqe 110 m2, i shtruar me pllake ndodhet buze rruge, ka fasade xhami, mundesi reklamimi. I pershtatshem per cdo lloj biznesi.
Cmimi 1500 Euro/muaj. I Negociueshem
Tirana, for Rent Store at Aleksander Mojsiu Street. The store with surface 110sqm is paved in tiles and located on the ground floor. The store has glass facades, advertising opportunities. It is appropriate for any kind of business.
Price 1500 Euro/month. Negotiable

Per me shume informacion...http://www.tiranarealestate-al.com/a...s.html?lang=sq