Zona/Rruga : Emin Harizaj

Nje nder apartamentet e arreduar ne studiot me te mira te arkitektures ne Shqiperi.
Ka nje siperfaqe 2+1 shume funksionale, te shfrytezueshme dhe praktike. Apartamenti shikon lindjen e diellit dhe eshte vendosur ne nje lagje te banuar me godina 4 kateshe prane Alidemit.
Apartamenti eshte totalisht i termoizoluar dhe i zeizoluar.
Disponoj Hipoteken.

The apartment is designed in the best architectural studio in Albania. Is a realy functional and practice 2+1 surface. The apartment is orientated from the sun rice. Is located in Alidemi, one of the most quite neighborhoods in Tirana with 4 floor construction, and 8 min from the center.
The apartment is totally thermal isolated and with good acoustic.

Per ata qe duan me shume detaje. For who needs more deatils.

Cel. : +355692098003
