View Full Version : Tirane, ofroj vend pune Modele

18.05.2011, 18:54
Kerkohen vajza pa angazhime nga mosha 18-23 vjec me gjatesi 168-180.Te gatshme per udhetime jashte shteti.Nese ndjeni se i plotesoni kushtet per te qene nje modele e ardheshme ju lutem na dergoni nje cv tuajen dhe disa foto bashkangjitur ne adresen e emailit fotopublicity@yahoo.com. Do kontaktohen vetem kandidatet me nje cv dhe foto serioze.Pagesa shume te mira.
Have you ever dreamed of starting a model career? Make your dream come true now! Start your career and earn good money as a professional model.
But it is not easy to get started. How do I get attention of the model agencies and producers? How will I get serious and well paid engagements? How and where do I make an application for a casting? These are some of the issues you need to think about.