View Full Version : Tirane, ofroj vend pune Native Mobile Developer iOS

25.11.2016, 09:35
Manoolia is seeking for a full time programmer in native iOS.

Good-to-Have Skills:
• Objective-C (iOS)
• Any of it: C/C++, C#, Javascript, PHP, HTML, CSS, XML, AJAX, JSON
• UI/UX knowledge for designing
• Good in math for complex algorithms
• Proficient in English, including ability to communicate in writing

Your responsibilities:
• Designing and implementing applications.
• Ensure that all components: resources, representations, versioning, extensibility, security, monitoring, and throttling are kept check.
• Coordinating with project management
• Reporting and providing architecture, goals and progress
• Ensure that new feature are added and old features are enhanced in the mobile.

How to apply:
1. Please send your CV to applications@manoolia.com
2. Include at least one of your projects

Cel. : 0697078981