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View Full Version : Tirane, ofroj vend pune IT Hacker,

18.06.2016, 20:12
kompania jone kerkon te punosoje nje Hacker me eksperience per ruajtjen e faqes se kompanise.
Nevojitet nje Hacker me eksperience, ne momentin qe mund te kete thyerje te kodeve te faqes se kompanise ai duhet te nderhyje duke e ndalur kete gje.
Sigurisht duhet te beje dhe nje Plan pune Javor per ti paraprire sulmeve kibernetike.
Nevojitet nje person me eksperince te meparshme ne kete rol.
Pagesa eshte shume e larte.

- Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science, Information Security or a related field
-Five to Ten Years of progressive experience with increasing responsibility in Information Technology, Information Security and Compliance that includes a combination of technical and project leadership responsibilities
-Good interpersonal, facilitation, and demonstrated emerging leadership skills
-Able to operate at an advanced level of written and spoken communication; write and speak effectively with impact
-Good understanding of Ethernet, switched LAN and WAN environment and detailed understanding of layer 3 and layer 4 specifications, including IP, TCP, TCP/IP routing protocols and management of ACLs.
-Conducts complex analytical functions by performing security assessments and ethical hacks of high risk sensitive applications.

Ju lutem te kontaktojne vetem personat qe kane nje eksperience prej 5 vitesh ne parandalimin e thyerjeve te faqeve kibernetike.

Te gjithe te interesuarit te dergojne CV ne albaniainformatic@yahoo.com
Ju falendorjme per interesimin.