View Full Version : Tirane, ofroj vend pune Financial Administrator

Heifer Albania
15.09.2010, 15:11
Heifer Albania, a nongovernmental and humanitarian organization, is seeking to hire a Financial Administrator with the following primary skills:

University Degree in economics science, finance branch.
Preferably having 3 years of relative experience.
Fluency in written and spoken English language.
Very good computer skills in accounting software.
Strong communication and inter-personal skills.
Willingness and availability for domestic and international travel.
Related experience with nongovernmental organizations preferred

To apply please send (email or fax ) a detailed CV accompanied by a copy of university diploma and any other relevant documents up to September 20, 2010 in the following address:

Heifer Albania
Rr. Shenasi Dishnica (Saraceve),
Pallati Unicon, Shhk. B, Ap. 7/4,
Tel/Fax: 04 2226084
Email: info@heiferalbania.org.al (info@heiferalbania.org.al)

Tel. : +355 4 2226084