View Full Version : Tirane, ofroj vend pune FRONT-END WORDPRESS DEVELOPER.

14.05.2015, 12:23
We’re looking to add another Front-end WordPress Developer to our growing team. If you love working with clients to understand their business, identify their needs, and help them develop a beautiful and usable online presence, you're the right person.

- A kind, fun, adaptable, open person — able to work well & mesh with a team.
- Able to take suggestions & give suggestions with tact.
- At least 2+ years experience developing WordPress themes.
- Enjoys working with clients (including talking to them) and delivering to their expectations.
- A free thinker, willing to look for answers.
- Confidence in coding HTML5, CSS3, PHP and JavaScript.
- Fully understands responsive coding.
- Independent and versatile, able to pick up different languages, frameworks and techniques with relative ease.
- Knowledge of SASS

If you're interested please drop us a line at contact@manoolia.com
manoolia.com (http://manoolia.com/)

Cel. : 0696065497