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View Full Version : Tirane, KURSI 12 mujor: “Art Dizain & Produksion Digital”

Instituti "Leonardo Da Vinci"
10.02.2017, 21:28
Filluan regjistrimet ne Programin 1 vjeçar Art Dizain & Produksion Digital
Shkolla e Efekteve Vizuale pranë Institutit “Leonardo Da Vinci”

Programet e lendeve jane ndetuar referuar shkollave me ne ze te fushes se kinematorafise dhe arteve vizuale nder te cilat mund te permendim "The Gnomon School " ne Hollivud.
Programi shtrihet ne 12 muaj dhe ne perfundim studentet do jene te afte te vene ne perdorim njohurite e mara ne shume sektore te artit si: Kinematografi, Reklama Televizive, Lojrat Elektronike, Filmat e Animuar, Studio Grafike etj.

Programi dhe Lendet

Muaji 1

 Photoshop for Digital Production
 Figure Drawing
 Overview of Visual Effects and Games
 Perspective
 Visual Communications 1
 Art History 1
Muaji 2

 Visual Communications 2
 Anatomy
 Costumed Figure Drawing
 Graphic Design
 Character Sculpture 1
 Art History 2

Muaji 3

 Zoological Drawing
 Storyboarding
 Character Design
 Product Design
 Color Theory and Light
 Design History

Muaji 4

 Digital Painting
 Creature Design
 Environment Design
 Vehicle Design
 Character Sculpture 2
 Film History

Muaji 5

 Introduction to 3D with Maya
 Introduction to Compositing
 Texturing and Shading 1
 Advanced Character Design
 Advanced Digital Painting
 History of Visual Effects

Muaji 6

 Hard Surface Modeling 1
 Motion Graphics
 Texturing and Shading 2
 Animation and Visual Effects
 History and Principles of Animation
 Gesture Drawing

Muaji 7

 Surface Modeling
 Hard Surface Modeling 2
 Lighting and Rendering with Mental Ray
 Digital Sculpting
 Character Sculpture 3
 Character Development

Muaji 8

 Character Modeling and Sculpting
 Lighting and Rendering with V-Ray
 Art of Compositing
 Hard Surface Texturing and Shading
 Digital Photography
 Visual Structure

Muaji 9

 Creature Modeling and Sculpting
 Character Kinematics
 Look Development
 Character Texturing and Shading
 Expressions and Scripting
 Advanced Compositing

Muaji 10

 Character Creation for Games
 Character Skinning
 Cinematography for Visual Effects
 Environment Creation for Games
 Digital Sets
 Scripting for Production

Muaji 11

 Demo Reel (6 Credits)
 Career Realities
 Introduction to Unreal
 Facial Rigging

Muaji 12

 Demo Reel (6 Credits)
 Interview and Resume Workshop (5 week)
 Business of Production (5 week)
 Commercial Production Techniques
 Cloth, Hair and Fur (5 week)
 Shave and a Haircut (5 week)

Tel. : 0673635750 (tel:0673635750) / 0697501434 (tel:0697501434)