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Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tirana
17.05.2013, 15:59

FINNO SEE Programme Project: Mechanism for Fostering Innovation in SEE countries
External Expertise: Analysis of Technology Innovation Assessment Scoreboard (TIAS) in Albania
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tirana (CCIT) request External Expertise for the following task: State-of-the-art analysis of policies, strategies and existing indicators in the field of innovation in the SEE region - Albanian National Report.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tirana (CCIT) is an IPA Partner in the SEE Programme Project 1st Call: FINNO - Mechanism for Fostering Innovation in SEE countries.
South East Europe (SEE) countries elaborate and implement the innovation policies with various level of effectiveness. There is a lack of cooperation, capacity and common understanding of innovation performance, policies and supporting instruments in the region. The aim of the FINNO project is to contribute to better productivity and achieve more comparable level of innovativeness between countries in SEE region.
The project creates a communication platform of decision-makers supported by sustainable mechanism for fostering innovation in SEE area, the FINNO Committee, a legal body providing governance level with constant and relevant policy recommendations.
The mechanism for fostering innovation in SEE region is developed in the project by key innovation supporting actors. On the basis of the analysis of innovation performance and existing measures in SEE countries and region, a common methodology for measuring Technology Innovation Assessment Scoreboard (TIAS) is developed. TIAS Scoreboard rate is measured in companies as direct users of innovation supporting measures by the pilot application of the on-line Self-Assessment Tool (SAT). On the basis of identified TIAS rate and identification of existing economy and policy gaps, policy recommendations for the FINNO Committee is prepared, while enhancing capacity of stakeholders.
Main project results include coherent methodology for implementation and usage of TIAS and SAT, innovation policy recommendations for each participating country and establishment of the FINNO Committee to ensure durability after project end. Results achieved provide an overview of innovation efforts of the involved SEE countries in a unified and comparable way, also enabling benchmarks with other European regions.
Results are disseminated throughout the entire project, providing relevant stakeholders with useful guidelines on how to improve innovation policy and measure innovation performance in their country and beyond.
The overall objective of this assignment is to prepare a State-of-the-art analysis of policies, strategies and existing indicators in the field of innovation in the SEE region - Albanian National Report. Analysis will identify the environment for preparation of Technology Innovation Assessment Scoreboard (TIAS).


to contribute to more effective implementation of innovation supporting instruments in participating countries - Albania
to prepare common recommendations for policy action and preparation of new or improved tailored innovation supporting instruments on the SEE level and in each participating country - Albania
to monitor and compare innovation performance in SEE by developing a common methodology and analyzing the results of the Technology Innovation Assessment Scoreboard (TIAS) in the region as a whole and in each participating country - Albania

In Annex 1 is given the template for the compilation of the National Report. In Annex 2 are specified the necessary instructions and explanations in order to prepare the National Report.

In order to meet the objectives above, the CCIT wishes to engage an experienced consultant / expert (the Consultant) to perform the following specific tasks:
1. Systematic analysis of the framework conditions
2. Influence of indirect indicators
3. Influence of the direct indicators
4. Country specific indicators

Unless otherwise agreed, the Consultant shall produce in the due course of the assignment the following reports:
Inception report: Within 1st week of commencement of the assignment, the Consultant shall present to the CCIT an inception report presenting its initial findings, with an emphasis on findings having an impact on time schedule and factors affecting the Terms of Reference of the assignment. The CCIT will provide comments on the inception report to the Consultant.
Interim Report: Within 3 weeks of commencement of the assignment, the Consultant will prepare an Interim Report.
Draft final report: Within 6 weeks from the start of the assignment, the Consultant shall submit to the CCIT a draft final report covering in detail all points specified in Section 3 Scope of Work.
Within 7 weeks of the Start Date the Consultant shall submit the final report where all the comments will be elaborated.
Distribution of the reports:
All reports shall be submitted to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tirana in 2 copies in Albanian language and 2 copies in English Language, both versions in hard copy and electronic-readable format (Word for text, pictures in JPEG. Additionally, all documents shall be created in PDF).

The Consultant will report to CCIT (the Executing Agency for the Contract) on all aspects of the assignment.

7. Budget
It is envisaged that the budget for this task will be EUR 5,400.00. After the selection of the offers by their technical evaluation, the minimum financial offer will be awarded.

Contact Person:
Elvis Pazaj Director ACBRT CCIT
Tel/FAx: +355 4 5800936

Email: elvis_pazaj@cci.al (elvis_pazaj@cci.al)

Tel. : 00355 45800936