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View Full Version : Tirane, ofroj KURSE TE GJUHES RUSE, (Russian language courses)

Lavdije Gishti
10.11.2012, 17:42

Jam nje mesuese qe ka mbaruar shkollen e larte per Rusisht, ne Fakultetin e Gjuheve te Huaja, ne 1983 , me rezultate te larta.
Kam nje eksperience ne mesimdhenien e kesaj gjuhe prej 29 vitesh.

Kurset do te zhvillohen ne menyre individuale apo ne grupe, intensive apo ekstensive ne kohe.

Ambjentet ku do te zhvillohen kurset jane prane Medresese se Tiranes, ne katin e pare te nje pallati 9-katesh, ne Rrugen " 5 Maji"

Ditet e zhvillimit te kursit variojne, ne varesi te individeve.

-Per moshen 6-8 vjec mesohet vetem shqiptimi i fjaleve dhe zgjerohet fjalori: 2 here ne jave nga 60 minuta: 1.500 leke/muaj

-Per moshen 8-18 vjec Kurset do te zhvillohen 2 here ne jave nga 60 minuta. 2.500 leke/muaj

-Per studente ofrojme kurse intensive sipas kerkesave:
parapergatitje per mbrojtje ne shtet apo institucione private.

-Ofrojme konsultime private per personat qe kane nevoje [er rifreskim apo zgjerim te njohurive te gjuhes Ruse. 300 leke ora (eshte e mundur ne cdo dite te javes)

Te interesuarit mund te na kontaktojne ne numrat tane te telefonit:

Lavdije GISHTI
Tel. : 0035542450239
Cel. : 0674069160

email: lavdijegishti1961@gmail.com

Offer Russian language courses

I am a teacher who is graduated on Russian Language, in the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​in 1983, with good results.
I have an experience in teaching Russian and Albanian Language ​​for 29 years.

Courses will be organised individually or in groups, intensive or extensive.

Curses are held near the Medrese School of Tirana, on the first floor of a 9-storey palace, in the road "5 May"

Course development days vary, depending on the individual.

For age 6-8 years old : The course consists only in the pronunciation of words and expanding the vocabulary: 2 times a week 60 minutes:
1,500 leke/ month

-For age 8-18 courses will be held 2 times a week by 60 minutes.
2,500 / month or

-Intensive courses for students :
Preparations for the language defense in state or private institutions.

We offer private consultations for people who need to update or expand their knowledges of Russian language. 300 leke per hour
(it is possible on any day of the week)

Candidates can contact us at our phone numbers:

Lavdije GISHTI
Tel. : 0035542450239
Cel. : 0674069160

email: lavdijegishti1961@gmail.com

Tel. : 003552450239

Cel. : 0674069160