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View Full Version : Tirane, ofroj KURSE TE GJUHES ANGLEZE (Offer Albanian Language Courses for Foreigners)

Lavdije Gishti
10.11.2012, 17:09

-Per moshen 6-8 vjec mesohet vetem shqiptimi i fjaleve dhe zgjerohet fjalori: 2 here ne jave nga 60 minuta: 1.500 leke/muaj

-Per moshen 8-18 vjec kurset do te zhvillohen me metoden Inside Out, nje nga me te fundit dhe me te sukseshmet. 2 here ne jave nga 60 minuta. 2.500 leke/muaj

-Per studente ofrojme kurse intensive sipas kerkesave:
parapergatitje per mbrojtje ne shtet apo institucione private.

-Ofrojme konsultime per nxenesit qe kane veshtiresi ne asimilimin e metodave te perdorura ne shkolle.
300 leke ora (eshte e mundur ne cdo dite te javes)

Te interesuarit mund te na kontaktojne ne numrat tane te telefonit 2 450 239 dhe 0674069160

Adresa: Rruga "5 maji" 200 m larg shkolles se Medresese.Pallati 9katesh ne forme U-je

Lavdije GISHTI
Tel. : 0035542450239
Cel. : 0674069160
email: lavdijegishti1961@gmail.com

Offer Albanian language courses for foreigners

I have an experience in teaching Albanian Language ​​for 29 years.

Courses will be organised individually or in groups, intensive or extensive.

Curses are held near the "Medrese School" of Tirana, on the first floor of a 9-storey palace, in the Street "5 May"

Course development days vary, depending on the individual.

For age 6-8 years old : The course consists only in the pronunciation of words and expanding the vocabulary: 2 times a week 60 minutes:
15 euro/ month

-For age 8-18 courses will be held 2 times a week by 60 minutes.
25 euro / month o

-Intensive courses for :
Preparations for the language defense in state or private institutions.

We offer private consultations for people who need to update or expand their knowledges of Albanian language. 3 euro per hour
(it is possible on any day of the week)

Candidates can contact us at our phone numbers: