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View Full Version : Tirane, ofroj vend pune Specialist/e Manualesh ( Procedurash )

15.01.2016, 14:44
Agjencia Alba Punesim, per nje klientin e saj, kompani e huaj ne fushen e sporteve online, kerkon:

Specialist/e Manualesh ( procedurash )

Kriteret per pozicionin:

1. Kandidati te kete perfunduar Universitetin ne nje nga deget: Gjuhe te huaj ose gjuhe shqipe, marketing, marredhenie nderkombetare, shkenca sociale etj
2. Te kete eksperience pune te pakten 3 - 5 vjecare ne fushen e trajnimeve, ndertimit te manualeve, hartimit te shkresave apo dokumentacioneve te ndryshme.
3. Preferohet nje person qe ka njohuri ekselente ne ndertimin e procedurave per nje kompani dhe ne ndertimin e " JOB DESCRIPTION " per kompanine
4. Preferohen persona qe kane patur rezultate te larta ne Shkrim akademik
5. Njohje e shkelqyer e gjuhes angleze
6. Mosha e preferuar: 27 - 30 vjec

· Familiar with a variety of the field's concepts, practices, and procedures.
· Knowledge and experience in drafting and compiling documents reviews, manuals and procedures.
· Research and analysis capacities on solving medium to complex issues on the processes and systems of an organization.
· Anextensive degree of creativity and latitude is expected.
· Perform a variety of tasks requiring critical thinking and academic writing.
· Have a solid background in English language, be efficient, organized, have a team spirit, multitasking skills are preferred.
· University degree in Languages (Albanian language included), Social/Political Sciences.

Te interesuarit te dergojne cv-ne e tyre ne gjuhen angleze, ne adresen: info@albapunesim.al
Shenoni tek subjekti: Specialist/e Manualesh ( procedurash )
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